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Ticks: Prevention & Maintenance
Ticks: Prevention &

Beware the Mouse

Pest Control Landscaping
Clothing, Repellent, & Tick Checks
If you do end up getting bitten by a tick and find it attached to you, it’s very important that you don’t immediately tear it off and destroy it. Take a deep breath, remove it carefully (tweezers are useful) trying to make sure you get the head out, and store it in a plastic bag or take a photo so you can identify if it is a deer tick.
You can simply google image search, or you could use an app on your phone, such as TickID. If it is a deer tick, don’t hesitate to go in to see your GP. They can inspect the bite, observe you to see if you have any symptoms, and, if they think you have possibly been exposed to Lyme, get you tested or prescribe a course of antibiotics.
Live with them, Not in fear of them
If you’d like to talk with us about ways we can help you in your effort to reduce tick and mouse populations in your yard, please reach out.
For Tick Spraying and prevention please contact us at:
Suffolk (631) 862-5281
Nassau (516) 252-3588