Mosquito and Tick Spraying on Long Island
Tick Spraying Services
- Environmentally Friendly/Least Toxic Solutions
- Discounted Programs Available
Mosquito Spraying Services
- Environmentally Friendly/ Least Toxic Solutions
- Discounted Programs Available
Are you looking for help with Tick and Mosquito Control and Spraying on Long Island? We are here and ready to help you tackle any problems you may have. We offer many different services so call us today to discuss the best option.
Free Estimate:
Suffolk (631) 862-5281
Nassau (516) 252-3588
Tick Bite
The Tick control problem on Long Island is thriving and skyrocketing every day. The incidents of tick related diseases on Long Island has become more and more rampant over the last few years. The reason for this spike is long hard winters causing insulation blankets of snow that keep the ticks from dying and the explosion of more ticks each season as the lack of reduced die off of ticks on your property.
We love where we live and work, but we don’t love all the insects here! Insects like ticks are not only annoying, but can be harmful to you and your family. They are able to spread diseases such as West Nile Virus and Lyme Disease, Babesisos and Powassan Virus. These viruses are all associated with horrible long lasting symptoms that will cause long term, drastic and severe health problems. Any and all precautions should be taken to protect our families and our pets in anyways we can. Do you have Prevention is the key !!!
Just one tick bite can result in getting Lyme’s Disease. The regimen to treat such a disease is the use of all the supplements and antibiotics in the picture’s below. One bite can cause a regimen of this type of treatment for least 2 years before remission can occur.
So when it comes to living on Long Island and enjoying the outdoors, ticks are some of our customers’ main concerns. Of course we would love to be able to sit out in the yard on a beautiful summer day and enjoy a BBQ or party, or just a lazy day in the Long Island sun. It’s a shame that while sun bathing we need to worry about searching our bodies for ticks, or that while watching our children play in our backyards we worry about them contracting Lyme Disease from an infected Deer Tick. We at Alternative Earthcare want to ease that worry and help you to simply enjoy the time spent in your own yard. We offer sprays to control the existence of ticks on your property applied every 3 to 4 weeks.
Painful and Dangerous Mosquito Bites !!!
We here at Alternative Earthcare are a Long Island based company specializing in Mosquito Control. We have been in business for 20 years. We love where we live and work, but we don’t love all the insects here! Insects like Mosquitos are not only annoying, but can be harmful to you and your family. They are able to spread diseases many diseases. The Mosquito populations on Long Island are thriving, and sadly these diseases are becoming more and more prevalent, especially across Long Island.
Mosquitoes are terribly annoying pests. These little irritants buzz overhead annoyingly and deliver itchy and painful bites, often ruining outdoor activities and backyard family outings. What’s more, mosquitoes are dangerous carriers of diseases like West Nile Virus, Encephalitis and Dengue fever.
Why Do Mosquitoes Bite?
Female mosquitoes extract the blood of their host animal with very sharp piercing mouth parts. They need the protein from the hosts blood to complete the egg production task. This is opposed to the males who do not bite and they do not feed on blood. The males get their energy from plants and the various nectar’s. They can also sustain themselves from most any sugar or sweet substances they can found in their surrounding environment.
After breaking the skin with their incisors and feeding on blood, mosquitoes leave hard, itchy bumps. In the feeding process, mosquitoes inject saliva into their host which creates the reactions that cause bite symptoms. Most mosquito bites are harmless and the symptoms subside in a few days. Some symptoms include swelling of the bite site, soreness, and bleeding. While mosquitoes can cause a lot of irritation the important problem that arises from mosquito bites is transmission of viral or parasitic disease.
Symptoms & Reactions
Many mosquito species are such stealthy biters that most people never notice their first mosquito bites. Other species are ferocious biters whose bite is moderately painful. The symptoms of mosquito bites include:
A puffy, white bump appearing a few minutes after the bite often with a small red dot in the middle of the bump. A hard, reddish bump, or bumps, that shows up about a day after a bite. Swelling around the bites. Small blisters instead of hard bumps. Dark spots that look like bruises.
In children and people with immune system disorders, mosquito bite symptoms may include: Large area of swelling and redness. Low-grade fever, Hives, Swollen lymph nodes and Headaches.
Protection from a mosquito bite is very Important and this is why Alternative Earthcare sprays your property. Our technicians will come onto the property and spray any and all trees, shrubs, and grounds as well as property lines, pool areas, ponds etc. This is where mosquito’s tend to congregate. These spray’s will drastically help reduce the insect population, helping to specifically control mosquito’s and removing the threat to you and your family. We spray every 3-4 weeks to effectively control the flow of the mosquitos on Long Island. We have both Organic as well as Synthetic Sprays available for use on your property. We use the least toxic solutions available.
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Lawn Care
Taking advantage of Alternative EarthCare’s Lawn Care Services is the only way to keep your lawn looking its best! Having proper lawn care is essential for magnifying the beauty of a home. Did you know that having a plush green lawn can even increase the value of your home when you go to sell?
Our customers are always receiving compliments from their neighbors and friends, asking them how they keep their lawns looking so healthy. The answer to any lawn growth problem or the desire to keep something beautiful is simple: Alternative EarthCare!
From the East End to Nassau County, and all of Suffolk, look to us for your lawn care service needs!
Alternative EarthCare
is always ready to serve you.
Why We Are The Best Choice for Lawn Care on Long Island

You can be sure our knowledgeable technicians will recommend the best treatment plan for you. Our deep understanding of Long Island’s natural soil conditions, as well as horticulture in general is the key to our success. That is why we obtain far superior results than those of our competitors.
Our Lawn Care Services offer solutions for a vast array of different soil conditions, which means not every lawn should be, or ever is, cared for the same way. We customize our services to meet the needs our your specific landscape, this includes the type of grass you have, the location of your home on the Island (ie. is your home near water, on a hill, etc. all of which determines the type of soil you have and how far down ground water is from the surface).
Why Soil Types of Long Island Matter For You
Do you know what kind of soil you have in your yard? Is it the same throughout? For instance, the most common soil type of the Hempstead plain of Long Island is Hempstead loam. The surface soil of Hempstead loam soil is a brown/black loam containing a small amount of sandy debris and white quartz gravel. The subsoil is a heavy yellow to reddish-yellow silt that is somewhat gravely. Because of its sandy and gravely subsoil it is well draining. However it’s main deficiency is lack of depth, which prevents the development of downward root systems.
So what does this mean for your lawn? When we come and do an evaluation we determine the soil type, type of grass, and note any particular problems you have experienced with particular bugs or issues of growth, disease, etc. With all of this knowledge we then develop a customized plan to service your lawn, creating and maintaining a beautiful landscape to surround your home.
What Products Do We Use On Your Lawn?
We provide our customer’s with superior products geared for Long Island soils that are applied at proper rates throughout the year. Whether it is an Organic program or Synthetic, our products are always of the highest quality and will yield the best results for your property`s specific needs!
For a Free Estimate Please call:
Suffolk 631-862-5281
Nassau 631-252-3588
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Tree Care
At Alternative EarthCare we offer a series of preventative and active insect horticultural sprays that are applied to the trees, shrubs and grounds, to eradicate and control insects and bugs from destroying your landscape, make it nice to be outside as well as keeping the bugs out of the house. Our ground sprays control the low lying insects like ticks, mosquitos, fleas, and grubs. These applications work best when applied every 3-4 weeks apart during the active insect season. Not only are the bugs destructive to your landscape, insects like the lyme disease tick and disease carrying mosquitos annoy others and can pose a serious health risk to your family and pets.
From the East End of Montauk to Nassau County, and all of Suffolk, look to us for your tree service needs!
Alternative EarthCare
is always ready to serve you.
Protection All Year Long
Protect your beautiful landscape and ensure your trees and ornamentals are protected all year long with our seasonal treatments designed specifically for Long Island’s climate and insects. Whether you are seeking tree spraying for disease and insect control on the East end of Long Island or Nassau County, across the north and south shores, we can help you all year long:
Spring & Fall are a time of preventative insect control and require the application of dormant oils. This application kills insect eggs and prevents infestations from occurring. These oils are applied to the bark and leaf surface of your plants and suffocate any existing insect eggs, stopping them before they damage and destroy your plants. Dormant oils can also help with certain diseases trees may become infected with.
Summer oil is a treatment applied to the bark and foliage of trees, shrubs and ornamentals. This treatment is essential for the health of all types of shrubs and ornamentals. At this time of year, Long Island is at its most beautiful, so make sure your trees are too so you can best enjoy the view from your own home.
Winter protection of trees and all of your plants calls for a waxy coating applied to all evergreens and flowering plants that maintain their leaves. Winter protection of shrubs or trees are typically done late fall through winter months. Our product forms a protective coating on the foliage of shrubs, to ensure they do not become dry and brittle and possibly crack, causing damage.
Disease Response for Fruit Trees
Often with certain trees, such as fruit bearing trees like apple trees, disease can cripple the tree’s natural fruit yield. You may find yourself disappointed that when once you could go in your backyard and pick and apple, now your favorite tree is bare. This of course can be caused by a multitude of things but common problems for fruit trees are fungus and disease.
Apple Tree Scab is a common problem caused by the fungus Venturia Inaequalis. A mild case of the disease causes small dark green spots on the leaves. A severe case causes the entire leaf to brown and fall from the tree. Luckily there are organic and synthetic sprays available to combat this disease. Dormant oils are usually effective on this disease.
Fireblight is another common bacterial disease affecting the apple tree and its relatives common throughout New York. Infected twigs will appear wet and then turn dark brown or black. The blight then spreads from twigs to branches to the entire bark of the tree. It is named “fireblight” as it leaves the tree with a charred appearance. To fight this bacterial disease the infected parts of the tree must be cut off and a solution such as one that is one part bleach and nine parts water can help avoid contamination from tools to other trees.
For all of your disease-fighting needs trust Alternative EarthCare’s expertise to bring your trees back to life and protect your other plants from cross contamination. We offer free estimates and examinations to begin the process and will work with you 100% of the way to ensure you receive the best service for your beautiful Long Island landscape.
Review by Margaret M. in Babylon, NY
Project: Tree Care and Spraying
Comments: Call back was very prompt. I sent photos of my tree and tried to explain the problem. They got back to me and offered a solution .
Very content with the service and response.
Review by Joe G. in Coram, NY
Project: Treat, Protect and Maintain Trees & Shrubs
Comments: Before calling them, my yard was over run with caterpillars. Since they have sprayed, I have not seen one. The technician who sprayed said that it was the end of the season and most might be dead already so it might just be coincidental timing… I also had them put something down for ants and I have not seen an ant since. They usually don’t appear until it really heats up and the weather has been cool. So again… coincidental timing or not? I am not sure but all I know is I have not seen a caterpillar or ant since they treated my property.